100% effective way to earn money from YouTube

Many people search on Google, how to make money from YouTube? When to start. What to do to earn money from YouTube.

I hope many of you know me. I usually do various updates on YouTube and various tutorials related to earning YouTube.

So for the last three or four months, I mean, the question I've been getting from you over and over again in 2024 is whether to start a new YouTube channel in 2024?

Is there a future for the YouTube channel? What does it mean to be successful?

This question is very inert and has a validity. Watch YouTube but not like before. But you can no longer see YouTube as a part-time career option.

If you really want to be a YouTuber, you have to be successful on YouTube, but you have to look at YouTube as your main career option.

And you have to invest your whole time in YouTube. When you invest your full time on YouTube you see it as a major career option

So it is very important for you to know that this time means the future of the new YouTube channel in 2024 at all?

Does that mean it will stand or not stand? Will it grow or not? Or what is its future? It is very important for you to know.

I want to leave this decision to you whether to start a new YouTube channel in 2024 or not.

You decide whether you should use YouTube now or not.

I will give you some opinions or some arguments and at the same time I will give your reasonable evidence.

Not that I'm just giving my opinion.

There is enough reason behind every opinion because I will show and show evidence so that it will be very convenient for you to decide it.

Or you can decide very easily whether you should start a new YouTube channel in 2024 or not.

Decision you will take I am providing some argument or some evidence in front of you. You can decide only if you see them first.

I don't need to be told what you should or shouldn't do.

I will give you two arguments to better decide whether you should start a new YouTube channel in 2024 to make money from YouTube.

I will argue for and against and you should know both the up side and the down side. Then you can decide properly.

Against | Earnings from YouTube

First I will start with the argument of the opponent and then I will go to the argument of the opponent. The first thing that will come in the argument of the opponent is

Expensive competition

You don't need to redefine what YouTube's Expensive Competition is all about. You know what kind of competition is on YouTube right now.

If you were to start a YouTube channel in 2016-2017 in any category, you would not have to face so much competition.

Because no matter which category you make the video, you already know that there are very good videos in that category.

A lot of good youtubers have already made very good videos above that category or that sub-category.

If you have to make your own place right now, but you have to make very good videos and even better videos from those who have already been successful in that category.

Video quality has to be very good and in a word you have to snatch some subscribers from them and

Snatching these subscribers is only possible if you make good videos from them.

They already have a lot of experience making videos. They have a good setup, they can have a good quality studio.

It will not be easy for you. We have to face these problems.

The reason is that there is a lot of competition now so think about whether you will do the job.

I have this one down side or this one opposing argument.

I have not found anything to argue against. It seems to me that starting work on YouTube in 2024 is the only down side.

Now the topics that I will discuss are all up side. I mean, everything is in favor of why YouTube should start in 2024. So let's not look at them once.

for | Earnings from YouTube

The first point of the argument in favor of making money from YouTube is

YouTube Growth Rate

Do you know the growth rate of YouTube? How is YouTube delivering quality business worldwide? YouTube is reaching every district, every city, every village and YouTube is the first choice for people to watch videos.

However, I would like to put in front of you some statistics or some statistics that will increase your morale to start YouTube. It means you will be more motivated to earn money on YouTube.

And before I say that in this statistic you will find everything I am saying on the verified website of YouTube. So the statistic says that YouTube is the second wisest search engine (after Google). There are 30 million active users on YouTube right now.

Thirty million users are thought to be on YouTube but online. 500 hours of video are being uploaded to YouTube every minute. 500 hours every minute.

1 billion videos are being watched on YouTube every day. Now keep an eye on YouTube India. The statistics of YouTube India are no less.

According to YouTube India statistics, users 18 years of age and older worldwide spend 67.8 minutes on YouTube daily. The average views of each video per day is 67.8 minutes.

It is world-wide. But according to a recent report in the Hindu Business Times, an Indian young woman between the ages of 18 and 30 spends 65.4 minutes a week on YouTube every 7 days, an average of 1 hour 34 minutes a day. Spend time. Understand! Spend 1 hour 34 minutes every day.

So this is a big opportunity for you. See what else is being said in this survey, it is said that an Indian spends 72% of his time on YouTube and 12% of his time on Facebook when he is online for one hour. Can.

It is further stated here that YouTube India is growing at 43% every year. YouTube India is growing by 43% every year. Right now India has the largest YouTube channel which means t-series you know. And 5 channels India in the list of top ten most subscribed youtube channels.

There are more or less 1 million subscribers in India at the moment. The world-wide is that after this pandemic, ie coronavirus lockdown, people started watching a lot of YouTube. This is your golden time. Because there are a lot of youtube visitors now, so if you start your youtube channel now, but it is very good. So don't waste a single day. Start with your experience or talent.

The second option is YouTube Algorithm Promotion New Channel More Efficiently YouTube Algorithm Automatic System on YouTube. But it promotes a lot more from the new channel. See, I will let you surf about it.

The YouTube algorithm will never tell you how you promote my channel or never tell you clearly about their system. This blog post is coming to you. If you read this blog post in detail, you will understand how the YouTube algorithm works. Works.

A basic idea will come to you and you will understand how to promote a new channel on YouTube. It is said that 70% of the views of a new channel on YouTube are from the suggested video.

YouTube sends a lot of suggested videos from the new channel's videos to other people's channel lists and collects statistical data on how they performed with those videos. Coming, how much dislike is reading, but it collects YouTube.

And if these videos show more users, more audiences, more shares, then they promote those channels. So the YouTube algorithm promotes the new channel much more than the old channel.

My Efficient YouTube Tools | Earnings from YouTube

There are a lot of apps or tools coming up these days to make money on YouTube. Which will help you a lot to YouTube. There are a variety of apps for graphics designing, banner designing, thumbnail design, editing your video, keyword research is a very good app.

You do not even need to subscribe to them. There are many people who are managing YouTube using free tools or software. If you want, you can use these free tools or software to achieve the success of YouTube very quickly and you can do YouTube efficiently.

Whether it's video editing, graphics editing or your keyword research. You can do this very easily. Read more: What tools or software are needed to start YouTube. Here are the four points.

Exceptional competition is set to increase in the coming days

The competition is going to increase in the coming days. I said, I showed the statistics, how YouTube is growing. The more YouTube is growing, the more people are leaning towards this youtube. How is the job market out? If there are so many people in such a place right now, it is your passive income source.

Now YouTube is but a prominent source of income, has established itself as a job place and it will establish itself better in the days to come. More competition will increase in the coming days.

And it is better to start YouTube now than to have more competition in the coming days. If you increase it later, it will not be of any benefit to you, so it is better for you to start YouTube right now if you want to build a successful career in YouTube.

The rules are going to be stricter in the coming days

The new YouTube guidelines and monetization policies that are about to come out in the coming days will become more and more strict in the coming days. But if the competition increases, it will increase.

If it happens then but you will have a lot of problems and a lot of problems for newcomers. Better start now. If you start now before the criteria for monetization increase, that's fine for you.

Income is going to increase in the coming days Earnings from YouTube

Our income comes from the advertising placement on YouTube. This ad is running more and more on YouTube now. There are many more and more ad placements. There are many small businesses that want to run their business ads on YouTube.

So the more ads run, the more our revenue will increase. Between 2018 and 2021, the ratio of ad placement has increased by 30%.

The amount of ads has increased by 32% between 2019 and 2020 in the last quarter. More income will increase in the coming days. This is why there will be more advertising on YouTube, so it is better to start YouTube now without waiting for the next day.

YouTube Agency Main Career Options | Earnings from YouTube

YouTube but no more part time job. YouTube is but imageing you as the main job.

I mean, there were a lot of people in the old days who used to do a traditional job.

Income on YouTube has increased so much now and the competition on YouTube has increased so much that you have to see it as a career.

And since income has increased, you don't have to do anything else. And since nowadays you know how many employees of the private sector have been laid off and what is the status of jobs outside.

In that case, when you are making a good income on YouTube, there is no need for you to go out. You can see YouTube as a career. I have tried to highlight some of the pros and cons of starting income on YouTube in front of you. Now you decide which one to choose. Will you start a YouTube channel! Or don’t do the YouTube channel in 2024.

Because with what I'm saying but the evidence I've shown you on 2 sides.

But these are not my own words! These are also telling you this evidence - I am not just saying this alone. After seeing these, you decide what to do or not to do.

But if you want to know my opinion, my personal opinion, I would say that if you are thinking of making money on YouTube or want to make money from YouTube, don't delay, start working to earn money on YouTube today.

If you need any help to make money from YouTube, you must go here and ask any kind of question. Our team members are always ready to answer your questions. Or leave your valuable comments in the comment box below.

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