How Google makes money, unknown information about Google

Many people have many questions about Google Adsense. Especially those who want to earn money from blogs or YouTube, they want to know a lot about Adsense. Today I will try to highlight the important issues in this short article, although I can not answer all the questions. As far as I know, many people are making good money from Adsense.

Not to mention foreigners, there are many YouTubers in this country or in this subcontinent whose monthly income is a few lakhs. I asked a blogger I know how much you earn per month! He laughed and said, not much! Any Maruti Suzuki car can be taken.

I think, if anyone in our country can earn fifty to sixty thousand rupees a month rather than being unemployed, life will be better for him if he laughs and plays. But, just creating a blog or a YouTube channel doesn't have to mean,

Adsense has some rules for earning money from Adsense. Adsense account can only be done if all the rules are fulfilled properly. Let's find out now.

What is Google AdWords ?

Google AdWords is another popular service of Google. Through Google AdWords, Google takes a certain amount of money from various product companies, websites or organizations by contracting to promote their products or websites.

Then Google Adsense through various blogs, websites or YouTube videos with the ad or promotion. Google AdSense ads are usually of two types. First, display banners on various blogs, websites or YouTube videos. Secondly - by showing videos like television advertisements on YouTube videos.

From this, 8% of the money that Google earns will be owned by blogs, websites or YouTube channels, while the remaining 32% is left by Google as their service cost. It can be said that Adsense and Edward are both involved in the same work.

What do I need to make money from Adsense?

If you want to make money from Google Adsense, first of all - you have to have a website or blog. Or have a YouTube channel. If you know how to do web design then that's a good thing. And if you don't know, you can make a website or blog site with someone else.

After creating a website, you need to get it online with a domain hosting. Then you have to increase the website speed. Website needs to do advanced SEO. Lots of articles to write. Content from other websites cannot be copied and pasted. Articles that are useful to people should be written correctly.

Your website should have pages about that website i.e. About page and Privacy Policy page. If there is someone else's ad on the website, it should be removed. When some visitors visit your website, you can apply to open a Google AdSense account. If you have a mail ID, you can easily open an AdSense account.

And if you want to make money from adsense through youtube channel, then you have to have a youtube channel. There are a lot of instructive videos that need to be made and uploaded there. Must have lots of subscribers and views. Then you need to connect the channel with Google Adsense.

Many people say that it is very difficult to get Adsense. I will say- there is nothing easy in the world. Keep trying. You must get Adsense. Once you get AdSense, you have to follow their rules and policies to protect it. You can visit the Google AdSense Help Community site to learn more about AdSense and get the help you need.

How many posts will AdSense be available ?

In my opinion, the more unique posts, the easier it is to get AdSense. However, there must be at least 50 posts above. Some say it should be above 100. In this case, I would say, you write regular posts and keep applying for AdSense.

Just make sure the words are correct. Because this text can be translated into English. If there is a mistake in the word after translation, the opposite result will come. Then it is normal to be opposite.

What is the minimum number of words an article should contain ?

In my opinion, it is better to have more than 500 words. Some say it must be at least 1000 words. In this case, I will say, when you write the article - then what is the harm of writing a little easier! Even if you can write a short poem, you have to use more than five hundred words. And if you both write four lines, that is no longer an article.

Moreover, if you write two or four lines on a page and leave the rest of the page blank, the beauty of the page is lost. Write something that is useful to people so that people read it patiently. If so, you do not have to wait long to get AdSense.

What topics should be written about ?

In my opinion, there is no specific subject for writing. If you write a blog, you can write about any subject. My website is not a blog site, but I have written a lot of necessary articles here. And there are plans to write about many more in the future. When it comes to writing, I would say, what kind of writing do people want to read? Or if you think that reading will be useful for you, write something like that for them.

How do I apply for AdSense ?

First you have to follow the above rules. Then go to Google Adsense by clicking on the Sign in button at the top right and sign in with your email and password, or enter the domain or URL of your website directly by clicking on the Get started button.

Enter your own e-mail address. Select the button above the two radio buttons and save and continue. It's very simple. Check e-mail from time to time. If all goes well then you will definitely get the answer.

And if there are any errors, they can also let you know. When you receive their e-mail, keep working on understanding every issue that you think is important. Hopefully the results will be good.

How do I get the money ?

AdSense pays for different countries with different rules. Especially for our subcontinent we pay by Western Union or bank check. However most are paid by check. In Bangladesh, since it is not given through Western Union, checks are sent by post. But if it is below Dollars 100, you have to wait.

Once Dollars 100 is credited to your account, a check will be posted later that month. It may take 20-25 days for the money to arrive by post. So there is nothing to be upset about. However, if the amount of dollars is more, you can bring it within a week through DHL courier service at a cost of 30.

If you deposit the check in the bank after receiving the check, he will not pay immediately. It will take a few more days for the money to be deposited. All in all, about two months have passed. No problem! If you have Submission 100 or more in your account every month, suppose this month's check is sent before you receive the last month's money.

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